Our Wedding Day South Africa 2004

Created by Glenn & Kim 4 years ago

Glenn and I were married in the beautiful Cape Town in October 2004.

As always, our close and special friends the 'Pountney' family were a a big part of this celebration!

We were so happy to have them all with us on such a special day for us!

Kay and I and I have been friends for more years than we care to remember,  and they are all and always will be our 'chosen family' and we love them all.

The lovely Louise was my maid of honour alongside Becca and Holly (Glenn's niece) and our lovely Sam gave the bride- me of course 'away'

Can still hear Bobs comments, 'well someone had to do it Sam'.....

Like with everythng else he did, he did well, with confidence, charm and a big smile!

We were then have always been and will always be very proud of Sam!

A privilege to know, an even greater privilege to continue to be involved in his all too short a life.

He always gave us a huge amount of pleasure and joy in his achievements,

So happy to call him my 'Godson', he meant the world to all of us!

We loved Sam very much and he will always be part of us in every way possible.

Think of you every day!



